As job positions are accepted, ETI works with the employer to identify performance requirements in terms of quality and production.   ETI guarantees that the employer’s job is done to their satisfaction during the training period.

Although the job goals may be the same for everybody, the plan of job support for each ETI’s Supported Employee will be shaped exclusively to the abilities of that person.  Each employee is asked to provide input in regard to the way that they liked to be trained.

Usually, there will be a period of full-time, one-to-one job training, lasting from several days to several weeks or more, to insure that the job requirements are achieved satisfactorily and that the employee is confident in the performance of their work and work-related duties.

Periodic progress reviews, with input from the employer and the supported employee, monitor the success of the training.  The Employment Specialist will make recommendations as to any minor job accommodations which will enable the individual to perform their job effectively.